Sponsored by:

 Chabad of Greater Somerset County, Basking Ridge; Congregation B’nai Israel, Basking Ridge; Congregation Knesseth Israel, Bound Brook; Flemington Jewish Community Center, Flemington; Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties; Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey; Shimon and Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center; Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough; Temple Har Shalom, Waren; Temple Sholom; Bridgewater

Documentary: Supernova Music Festival Massacre. A retrospective of 24 hours at the Nova festival in Re'im through the lens of those who survived the horror. Grades 8 & Up

Join us for a heartwarming and meaningful baking program
where we come together to honor and remember.
This special event will feature baking recipes from the
Tastes Like Home website, a collection of recipes by
cherished Israeli hostages held in Gaza

Join us for a reflective commemoration marking the one year
anniversary of the tragic attack on Israel that occurred on
October 7.
Ceremony & Community Dinner

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