Thank you for taking the first step toward creating your personal legacy.
Now that you've submitted your letter of intent, the next step is to send your commitment letter.
Life & Legacy Gift Confirmation
I / we confirm that I / we have provided for my / our commitment to the LIFE & LEGACY Program for the benefit of the following organization(s):
I have provided for this gift within my estate and confirm that I have made the appropriate arrangements to assure that this will be accomplished on or about the time of my passing. I have currently provided that my commitment be realized through the following.
I am pleased to be able to support the Jewish community through my legacy gift. The approximate value of my commitment will be (select one):
Assistance to provide for my legacy commitment by (please designate advisor):
LIFE & LEGACY is sponsored and presented by the Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer (JCFGM) and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. JCFGM engages, educates, and inspires generations of givers throughout our Jewish community. Please call (908) 758-2001 or visit with any questions about making your legacy a reality.